Bhagveer Foundation


Our mission is to introduce meditation as a daily life program in school so we can achieve the beautiful goal, with the help of meditation.
WE HAVE MISSION to help this world to eliminate the violence from this world as soon as possible. WE HAVE a Mission To Make Meditation Part Of Every Home, Every Human On This Planet. It Is Food For Every Soul.
We are dreaming Of a New Human A Super Human. WE ARE DREAMING OF NEW WORLD. A New World That Is Only Possible With Meditation. Something has made this heavenly beautiful life “a hell”. And that is, we have missed one most important thing to give to our children is meditation. Meditation is child’s birth right and that is to be given to every child by his or her parents, but we give everything to children but not meditation.
We Are One, we all humans are sharing the same bond, we all are brothers and sisters on this planet. As we all are ultimately living for same goal to have love, peace, compassion, knowledge, harmony, good health, prosperity. We all have same goal. So lets help each other to achieve same goal and only mediation can direct us to help everybody to achieve our goal collectively.
We believe that only meditation can “bring whole world under one roof”, “bring us together”, “help make us one”. Meditation can bring different religions, races, castes, communities, beliefs, groups together.
After home, school is the only best place where we can educate children’s heart while educating their mind, as almost every child visit and spend precious time in schools.
We believe that by just educating the mind we will be able to make only some good clerks, doctors, engineers, pilots, teachers, professors, station masters so that they can earn their livelihood but we cannot give a child true life.
Just mind oriented education cannot bring qualities in personality like love, universal compassion, fearlessness, oneness, and can’t make stable, relaxed, focused minded and patient personality.
One-third of our education should be concerned with livelihood; one-third of our education should be concerned with our well-being — body, health, ways to stay younger and live longer. And one-third — the last and the most important — should be concerned with love, with death, and the secrets of life itself. Only then will we have a wholesome education. And through that education, we can create a man and a society which will be healthy, youthful, loving, soulful, overflowing with joy, always ready to share with anyone — because nobody is a stranger on the earth; the whole earth is one family. OSHO
“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” H.H.Dalai Lama


To make any country best requires not just 100% literacy rate, as in India literacy means (every person above the age of 7 years who can read and write with understanding in any language is said to be literate). We need best of the best education for every child at the foundation level and that can be done in school, it makes no difference whether a child is in government school or private school.
90% of private and government school are not able to make their student fluent English language speaker during the school. More than 70% students complains about not having understanding of basic grammar and sentence making during their schooling, as an effect they are not even able to understand their subject properly in school or in college.
Don’t need to mention about endless benefits of SPOKEN ENGLISH for students in their studies at school, college, university level/for career of students /for nation.
Imagine if every government and private school’s student get fluent in spoken English till high school during their foundation just like their native language. Imagine WHAT WILL BE his /her performance during schooling, college and how successful will he /she be in their career.
The practice of spoken English, therefore, is quite essential. There are many cases where one knows his subject well, but fails to communicate it properly. In today’s corporate world, the need for effective communication has been recognized and accepted more than the technical knowledge. The language of the corporate world is English. An individual can make strides in the management ladder if he/she can speak English fluently. If your English is poor, even though with brilliant business ideas, you may still find yourself languishing at the bottom of the management ladder. Your productivity will drop over a period of time since you will find difficulty in expressing your brilliant ideas. Those who can speak good English will probably usurp your ideas and get the credit for all the hard work you did to get the idea working.
To produce leaders we need to make every Indian capable of comprehending the English Language
Our mission is to make every child speak English. In order to implement this vision, Bhagveer Foundation has its own R & D team which develops and constantly upgrades the course material of its various courses, under the direct supervision & able guidance of Swami Anand Sandesh. Bhagveer Foundation boasts about having unique course and teaching techniques what can make even illiterate person speak English language.
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